How to Overcome Fear of public speaking

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Some research studies have shown that 70- 75% of the population has a fear of public speaking. Some people are too scared of Public-Speaking that it is more fearful than dead.

Fear is like any other emotion such as Love, Joy. But Fear is a horror story you created in your head which has not happened yet. So, you should not let fear paralyze you so that you may never take that leap.

Here are some bite-sized actionable steps to Overcome.

1. Create a kind of story that turns the fear of how people will judge you, how bad you’ll speak, and what people will say about what you said into a Positive manifestation that you spoke well and people appreciate you with a standing ovation or thunderous applause because you speak your truth and you speak what you know best. 

2. See that as an opportunity to tell something that truly matters to you and something you truly care about, to speak your truth so that people will be inspired by what you say with authenticity.

3. Relaxation Exercise:

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Sit comfortably, keep your palms in your lap facing upward, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Do this 21 times. Even if you don’t have time to do it 21 times, do it 7/14 times before you speak. This exercise will keep your nerves cool.

4. Practice your speech by speaking in front of your family, recording a video, or looking in the mirror. I usually do it by recording videos and that’s how I know where I need to improve. People staying alone, video recording will be of great help because that way you’ll know your areas of improvement.

5. You may say I am scared to look at people in their faces, well, if you are a first-time speaker it may be true and I do not deny that but understand that they are there to get inspired by your truth. Allow yourself to be ok if there are people who don’t agree with you. 

Knowing that they don’t agree with you doesn’t necessarily mean they are your enemy. Allow them to be themselves. It’s not your job to make everyone like you.

Unforgettable speaker

Bonus tips; 

 1. What if I am asked to speak all of a sudden in a function without prior notice? 

Well, it happened a lot of times to me,

  • Always have thought of “what if” I am asked to speak all of a sudden or if the situation demands. Think of a few bullet points about the theme and function you are attending.
  • Always carry your core values with you while speaking.

For me, it’s Authenticity, conviction, Clarity, and Inspiration.

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