Public speaking is not limited to platform speaking, you are speaking even when you are not talking. Public speaking is not limited to entrepreneurs, coaches, influencers, etc. You can be an impactful speaker to one person, your family, your small group, and even strangers. Many aspiring speakers think I will become effective if I look good, speak good English, etc. But that never is the case. You can be an effective speaker in your way because you are uniquely designed. Tap that potential, learn certain textures and the science of speaking. Learning to communicate is your superpower no matter what you do. You’ll be in the upper hand if you know how to communicate and speak clearly. I don’t underestimate the importance of grooming and a good tone matter too in speaking but I am not so interested in that because those are the surface. The energy you exhume matters more than your grooming.
Eg; there was a time when I got into a relationship that turned out to be abusive. I keep fitting into his box, I have to constantly deem my light so I’ll be treated right. My light was not encouraged and I was not appreciated when I played full out, coupled with the death of my father, depression, and my unending failures, I refused to believe that I could do something in life and that I was a possibility. I started believing that everything was my fault and I deserved it.
One day I took the courage to share with one of my friends what I was going through and he told me something that change my outlook on myself in a huge way. He said it doesn’t matter what you do, you never deserve that kind of treatment from anyone. That very word gave me hope and help me analyze my capability and start working on my breakthrough.
1. Speak to uplift and inspire not to impress: We have normalized speaking to be respected or impress the audience. This way, you could screw yourself up because the message will not come from your core. It doesn’t matter which kind of speaker you are, always carry inspiration in your message because inspiration is one thing that fits everyone. People don’t care what you know unless they know you care. Speak so you give hope not just to the hopeless but speak possibility to those needed and willing.
2. Be authentic:

Authenticity comes with a pricebut it is worth everything. You may be able to speak great by putting up a mask but People can see through your lies if you are not authentic. The best thing about being authentic is that you don’t have to cook up any stories just so you’ll be able to please people and be appreciated. When you are authentic you know how to accept yourself the way you are. You don’t have the need to be someone else and your audience will love you for that. And there is power in being yourself. Knowing yourself, and your sincere “I don’t know” is the beginning of your knowing and progress. Don’t be an actor but speak from your core. Your audience deserves to connect with you, not your performance. The most beautiful thing about speaking from your core is you don’t have to memorize it; you just need to add texture to it. Connect with people on a human level.
3. Be relevant and relatable: You should be relatable to your audience and the occasion. Understand your audience, their demography, and psychography. For instance, you cannot talk to a group of adolescents about How to cope with postpartum depression. Do not be fixated on your own beliefs and impose them on your audience. Your audience wants to be included not instructed. It was ok to be instructed then but that is so 20-30 years ago. Your audience will stick to you if they can relate to you. Speak about your challenging moments before you find your breakthrough so you can inspire them in a way that they feel they are not alone and be inspired by your story.
4. Speak with clarity and conviction: Dr. Martin Luther King said, “If you won’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything. Many are afraid to speak their heart out because they think people won’t like it. They are afraid of being judged and alienated. My grandpa would complain to my grandma saying, “You are a woman, too outspoken. Are you not scared? Are you not afraid of the consequences?” To that, she would say, “Why would I be afraid when I am just speaking my truth? I know what I am saying. I don’t have to be fearful before it happens. She would turn towards me and say, babe, always take courage, never be afraid to speak up about what truly matters to you, and don’t be like your grandpa always afraid to speak anything and conform”. If you know you are speaking the truth and the right thing, dare to stand alone. It doesn’t matter whether people agree with you or not. I realized then that conviction is sexy.
Be clear about What you stand for. How do you want to use your gift of voice?
For me, I stand for a Global identity free of small identities which is the root cause of all wars and conflicts in the world, the breeding ground of hatred, insecurity, and greed. Building bridges, and speaking up against bullying, and abuse. To encourage Personal transformation and stability first, find one’s voice and help people find their voice, to use their voice to speak possibility to those needed and willing, and uplift humanity. Make an integrity-based decision when it comes to life’s choices.
5. Proactively listen:

Speaking is not just about talking. A good speaker is a good listener as well. Learn to listen to your audience in terms of body language. You’ve got to use your emotional intelligence. Look around and see your audience’s emotions as you utter certain words. Do they look inspired, bored, sleepy, or excited? And adjust your message accordingly.
6. Speak in a way that you are conversating with your audience and make use of your body language: I saw many speakers talking to the audience not talking with them. Engage with your audience and include them. I also see speakers who are hooked to their notes in front of them and never make eye contact with the audience. When you speak like that, there is a huge connection gap with the audience. Look around and communicate with your audience. Ask questions and use your body language effectively.
7. Too many fillers: Avoid using too many fillers such as “uh”, Umm, eh, like, etc because your audience will feel so off. It also shows you are not sure about the subject you are speaking about. We come to the same point that is speaking from your core.
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