Public Speaking

How to connect with your audience while speaking or communicating? (Online/Offline)?

Regardless of which culture we come from, everybody deserves and wants to be respected, included, and heard. Here are a few points to make people feel heard when you speak or when you communicate. 1. Ask questions: By asking questions you are giving people the space to clarify their pain points/doubts. It also shows you are

How to connect with your audience while speaking or communicating? (Online/Offline)? Read More »

Paveinai Lanah’s Bio

Hi, my name is Paveinai Lanah, I am a transformational Public-speaking coach. After overcoming so many challenges in my life be it health and depression through conscious living, self-work, and investing in myself, I choose to help people overcome the self-limiting beliefs or the beliefs that society has imposed upon them, and help them tap into

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